On the home page, I have added some documentaries that you should watch to learn more about the smoking problem. You can watch these documentaries on freedocumentaries.org, topdocumentaryfilms.com, or just YouTube. On YouTube, you will have to go through and find each scene, though. I am almost halfway through 'The Tobacco Conspiracy' now, and it is pretty good, but be sure you are watching a version with subtitiles, because some of the documentary will be in French. Enjoy!

Although it might seem addictive, you should see all the unhealthy or healthy risks your taking. Smoking can make you lose minutes, hours or even years of your life. Think twice before you try it.

Please submit your stories on the contact us page! Complete our smoking survey, and tell your family and friends to do it, too! See the 'Contact Us' page for more details on submitting your smoking stories.

We welcome Talia to our anti smoking project group! She will be giving advice to the people that need to quit smoking, or convince them to quit. Her page is the 'Quit Smoking' page.

Contact us with your question, and we will post the answer on the Q & A page! Also please take some time to fill out our smoking survey! If you would like to remain anonymous, then please give us a nickname that we can use. Also, on that page we will post questions that we may not know the answer to. You can help us answer by leaving a comment on the blog page or by sending us a message on the Contact Us page!

Marijuana is one of the most terrible things you can do to yourself.
Drugs like Marijuana will eventually kill you!
Please answer our survey! In about a month I will try to post the results on the Home page. The survey will help us learn about how many people smoke, their gender, why they do it, and the typical age of people that smoke. I think that this survey will give us lots of information about smokers, which will help us solve the smoking problem. Please send this website to your friends and family so that everybody will be aware of the smoking problem.

I just uploaded the 'Quit Smoking' YouTube video on the 'Tobacco' page. Seriously, please don't watch it unless you can stand the blood and guts. I just watched the beginning, and I felt sick. I won't give you details, just don't watch if you've got a weak stomach (like me). I'm serious. If you watch the whole thing, you'll probably puke or something. But if you're okay with the gory stuff, then please watch the video, because it looks very educational. Also please show it to people you know that smoke so that they know what is happening to themselves!

Just please don't watch it if you are sensitive, because I don't want anybody feeling sick because of me! Remember, the video is posted on the 'Tobacco' page.

This website is still in progress! We still need to do more research on the topics. I will ask Emi and Ashley to write their marijuana and cocaine info ASAP! And I will do my best to update my Tobacco section!

I hope this site will help you learn more about smoking!
